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Wiedźmińska Wiki

Dice poker once again makes an appearance as one of the mini-games in Wiedźmin 2: Zabójcy Królów‎. Due to its inherent reliance on sheer luck, it is not a good way of making money.

The game is essentially unchanged from the original game, except that you now must physically "roll" the dice and you have the possibility of losing one or more of them if they roll off the playing surface. The game now also takes one round only so there is more room for luck and less for tactics.

Compared to the first game, the camera angle at which the board is shown and the results of the rolled dice are more difficult to parse, making it more difficult to get a general overview of the situation. Another less than desirable change, the quick view of the current dice combinations for each player after the initial roll has been taken away resulting in a less accessible mini-game.

The gambling aspect is also weighted against the player; the most that Geralt can bet is 10 orens on the first round and another 10 on the second, however the opponent can potentially raise Geralt's initial bet by another 10 orens and his second bet by another 10 orens (which they will only do if they have a good hand), effectively meaning that the stakes are going to be higher when the opponent has a good hand than when Geralt has a good hand, so on average you stand to lose more than you gain, all other things being equal.

It is possible to save before starting playing and then saving again if you win but relaoding the save if you lose, thus only ever winning games, however this is a very slow and tedious way of making orens.


Tw2 icon gamble
  • Each game consists of one round unless a draw occurs.
  • The round starts with you placing the bid. The opponent accepts or raises the bid and you are given the first option to take or to pass. (Note that on the 360 it is quicker to initially bet the minimum 5 orens and accept your opponents raise than to bet the maximum and wait while the console works out that it can't raise you. The opponent will generally / always raise if you bet the minimum to start).
  • You and your opponent roll all five dice. This is done by placing them above the board and clicking the left mouse button (360: flicking the right analogue stick). Moving the mouse (360: right stick) when rolling influences the direction the dice will roll and how strong the throw will be. (On a 360, the left stick decides the initial starting position). You must be careful not to throw them beyond the board. (On the 360 a gentle push downwards with the right stick should always keep all five dice in play).
  • At this moment you can choose to re-roll any dice or none.
  • After selecting the desired dice and confirming by pressing space (on the PC), both you and your opponent have once again an opportunity to raise the bid, match it, or resign.
  • You re-roll selected dice if any and can see the final result. Whoever has the better combination of dice after re-rolling wins the game. If both players have the same combinations, the highest roll wins. If both rolls are exactly the same it's a draw and another round begins with the same bid.
  • Od najwyższego do najniższego:
    • Poker - pięć kości o tej samej liczbie oczek
    • Kareta - cztery kości o tej samej liczbie oczek
    • Full - jedna para i trójka
    • Duży Strit - kości pokazujące wartości od 2 do 6, pokolei
    • Mały Strit - kości pokazujące wartości od 1 do 5, pokolei
    • Trójka - trzy kości o tej samej liczbie oczek
    • Dwie Pary - dwie pary kości, o tej samej liczbie oczek
    • Para - dwie kości o tej samej liczbie oczek
    • Nic - pięć nie tworzących żadnego układu oczek


  • Pokerowa twarz: Flotsam
  • Pokerowa twarz: Vergen
  • Pokerowa twarz: Obóz Kaedwen
  • Pokerowa twarz: Loc Muinne


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