Wiedźmińska Wiki

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Wiedźmińska Wiki

The resident witch in Wioska Odmęty depends on the result one of the very first difficult choices Geralt faces in the course of the game.

Guślarka. She provides for the magical and healing needs of Wioska Odmęty. She also buys and sells a number of things, including: Roślinność, minerałów i alkohol. She also pays for valuable monster parts and dispenses information valuable to the plot. She'll buy:

Uwaga! W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.


Much earlier in the game, in the Podgrodzie, Geralt meets Abigail, the local witch. Her relationship with the residents of the Outskirts is rocky, to say the least. Geralt must decide whether to help her or leave her to the villagers at the end of the chapter. His choice determines whether or not you meet the healer described above, or run into Abigail for a second time.

Tutaj koniec znacznych szczegółów fabuły.